Certification systems
Grænni byggð gaf út skýrslunar 1) Áhrif byggingarefna og orkunýtingar á kolefnisspor bygginga - Samanburður á kolefnisspori byggingarefna og orkunotkunar í BREEAM vottaðri og óvottaðri byggingu, og 2) Reynsla hagaðila að vistvottunarkerfum - Viðtöl við byggingariðnaðinn.
Skýrslurnar voru unnar í samstarfi við Húsnæðis- og mannvirkjastofnun, með styrk frá umhverfis-, orku- og loftslagsráðuneytinu, og eru hluti af aðgerð 5.2.1 í Vegvísi að vistvænni mannvirkjagerð 2030: Greina ávinning og kostnað umhverfisvottana.
Hægt er að lesa skýrslurnar með því að smella á þær hér að neðan.
GBCI worked together with the Icelandic Civil Engineering Agency (Mannvirkjastofnun) on a research project on the certification system of buildings. Two certification systems were chosen for research - BREEAM and Swan. The project goal was to carry out tests and instructions on the systems and to study how they adapt to the conditions in the Icelandic construction market.
The reports can be read below.
BREEAM certification scheme for buildings - Brochure (in Icelandic)
BREEAM 2016 Energy requirements and the experience of meeting them in Icelandic projects (in Icelandic)
BREEAM - Visual comfort (in Icelandic)
BREEAM quality and environmental management - The requirements and how they have been met in Iceland (in Icelandic)
The experience of the environmental certification Swan for buildings - Part I General review
(in Icelandic)
BREEAM In-Use (in Icelandic)
BREEAM Construction materials and waste
- The requirements and how they have been fulfilled in Iceland (in Icelandic)
Transport and land use requirements in BREEAM international 2016 (in Icelandic)
BREEAM Building materials
- Introductory brochure on the requirements
(in Icelandic)
The experience of the environmental certification The Swan for buildings - Part II The rating system (in Icelandic)
The annexe can be found here (in Icelandic).
Environmental certification system for buildings - analysis of the feasibility and adaptability of foreign certification systems for the Icelandic construction market
(in Icelandic)