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  • Materials on Nordic countries | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Materials on the Nordic countries 2020 Let's build a greener future (Byggjum grænni framtíð) - Summary of the state of environmental issues in the construction industry in the Nordic countries (in Icelandic)

  • Emissions_free_About | Grænni byggð GBCI

    About the project Emission-free construction sites is a two-year project. It is one work package of five in the program Nordic Sustainable Construction . The program is financed by Nordic Innovation, an organization under the Nordic Council of Ministers. Green Building Council Iceland is collaborating with the Icelandic Ministry of Infrastructure and the Housing- and Construction Authority of Iceland on the work package, the ministry being the responsible party. Overview The target of the Nordic region taking a leading position in sustainable and competitive construction- and building sector comes with an ambition for reducing the environmental- and climate impact of construction. An important aspect of reaching the target is to work with procurement and requirements for sustainable construction. To support the targets, it is also essential to engage the whole value chain and promote new and innovative solutions and business models as well as market opportunities for sustainable solutions. The five work packages are: 1. Life cycle assessment and data. 2. Circular business models and procurement. 3. Sustainable construction materials and architecture. 4. Emission-free construction sites. 5. Program secretariat and capacity building. The aim of work package number four, Emission-free construction sites , is to support a transition to emission-free construction sites through policymaking and building the required competency and capacity in the building sector. The intent of the work package is to diminish carbon and other direct emissions at construction sites, e.g. by using emission-free power sources, planning the seasonal use of heat and light at construction sites, but also through developing logistical solutions to conserve transportation and handling resources in a way that diminish emissions. Main objectives 1. Publish a report on definitions, boundaries and terminology of the area. 2. Establish a platform for cooperation on technology development and facilitate a brokering event or platform within a large gathering on construction issues. 3. Encourage and facilitate Nordic research and innovation to support emission-free construction sites. 4. Encourage and facilitate the development of guidelines for procurers and construction companies on emission-free construction sites and produce an online guide.

  • Emissions_free_About | Grænni byggð GBCI

    About the project Emission-free construction sites is a two-year project. It is one work package of five in the program Nordic Sustainable Construction . The program is financed by Nordic Innovation, an organization under the Nordic Council of Ministers. Green Building Council Iceland is collaborating with the Icelandic Ministry of Infrastructure and the Housing- and Construction Authority of Iceland on the work package, the ministry being the responsible party. Overview The target of the Nordic region taking a leading position in sustainable and competitive construction- and building sector comes with an ambition for reducing the environmental- and climate impact of construction. An important aspect of reaching the target is to work with procurement and requirements for sustainable construction. To support the targets, it is also essential to engage the whole value chain and promote new and innovative solutions and business models as well as market opportunities for sustainable solutions. The five work packages are: 1. Life cycle assessment and data. 2. Circular business models and procurement. 3. Sustainable construction materials and architecture. 4. Emission-free construction sites. 5. Program secretariat and capacity building. The aim of work package number four, Emission-free construction sites , is to support a transition to emission-free construction sites through policymaking and building the required competency and capacity in the building sector. The intent of the work package is to diminish carbon and other direct emissions at construction sites, e.g. by using emission-free power sources, planning the seasonal use of heat and light at construction sites, but also through developing logistical solutions to conserve transportation and handling resources in a way that diminish emissions. Main objectives 1. Publish a report on definitions, boundaries and terminology of the area. 2. Establish a platform for cooperation on technology development and facilitate a brokering event or platform within a large gathering on construction issues. 3. Encourage and facilitate Nordic research and innovation to support emission-free construction sites. 4. Encourage and facilitate the development of guidelines for procurers and construction companies on emission-free construction sites and produce an online guide.

  • Emissions_free_About | Grænni byggð GBCI

    About the project Emission-free construction sites is a two-year project. It is one work package of five in the program Nordic Sustainable Construction . The program is financed by Nordic Innovation, an organization under the Nordic Council of Ministers. Green Building Council Iceland is collaborating with the Icelandic Ministry of Infrastructure and the Housing- and Construction Authority of Iceland on the work package, the ministry being the responsible party. Overview The target of the Nordic region taking a leading position in sustainable and competitive construction- and building sector comes with an ambition for reducing the environmental- and climate impact of construction. An important aspect of reaching the target is to work with procurement and requirements for sustainable construction. To support the targets, it is also essential to engage the whole value chain and promote new and innovative solutions and business models as well as market opportunities for sustainable solutions. The five work packages are: 1. Life cycle assessment and data. 2. Circular business models and procurement. 3. Sustainable construction materials and architecture. 4. Emission-free construction sites. 5. Program secretariat and capacity building. The aim of work package number four, Emission-free construction sites , is to support a transition to emission-free construction sites through policymaking and building the required competency and capacity in the building sector. The intent of the work package is to diminish carbon and other direct emissions at construction sites, e.g. by using emission-free power sources, planning the seasonal use of heat and light at construction sites, but also through developing logistical solutions to conserve transportation and handling resources in a way that diminish emissions. Main objectives 1. Publish a report on definitions, boundaries and terminology of the area. 2. Establish a platform for cooperation on technology development and facilitate a brokering event or platform within a large gathering on construction issues. 3. Encourage and facilitate Nordic research and innovation to support emission-free construction sites. 4. Encourage and facilitate the development of guidelines for procurers and construction companies on emission-free construction sites and produce an online guide.

  • Ársskýrslur/Ársreikningar | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Ársskýrslur 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 Ársreikningar 2017 ​ 2016 ​ 2015 ​ 2014 ​ 2013 ​ 2012 ​ 2011 ​ 2010

  • Gerast aðili | Grænni byggð GBCI

    ​ Gerast aðili? Sem aðili að Grænni byggð ertu þú hluti af hópi metnaðarfullra fagaðila og áhugamanna um auknar umhverfisáherslur í byggingariðnaði og skipulagi. ​ Sem aðili: ​ Ertu fyrirmynd Tekur þitt fyrirtæki virka ábyrgð í umhverfismálum Ertu að auka þekkingu um umhverfismál Færðu aðgang að tengslaneti Styrkir þú faglega vinnu og umræðu um umhverfismál í byggingar- og skipulagsmálum Getur þitt fyrirtæki verið virkur þátttakandi í faghópum og viðburðum Getur þitt fyrirtæki haft áhrif á starf og stefnu Grænni byggðar ​ Fylgdust með starfinu með því að skrá þig á póstlistann hjá okkur: ​ ​ Hafðu samband Thanks! Message sent. Senda Skráðu þig á póstlistann hjá okkur Senda

  • Publications | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Norræn samantekt og ferðavenjur foreldra Rannsóknarverkefni um byggingarúrgang Í samvinnu við Mannvirkjastofnun vann Grænni byggð rannsóknarverkefni um gerð leiðbeininga um meðhöndlun byggingarúrgangs. Verkstjórn var í höndum Grænni byggðar í samvinnu við Mannvirkjastofnun en Grænni byggð fékk EFLU verkfræðistofu, VSÓ Ráðgjöf og Verkís til samstarfs. Afrakstur rannsóknarverkefnisins má sjá hér að neðan en hægt er að lesa skýrslurnar með því að smella á þær. Hringrásarhagkerfið og byggingariðnaðurinn Úttekt á hættulegum efnum í byggingar- og niðurrifsúrgangi og áætlun um meðferð þeirra Kortlagning byggingarúrgangs Leiðbeiningar um meðhöndlun byggingarúrgangs Rannsóknarverkefni um vistvottunarkerfi Grænni byggð vann einnig í samvinnu við Mannvirkjastofnun rannsóknarverkefni um vistvottunarkerfi bygginga. Valin voru tvö vistvottunarkerfi til rannsóknar - vistvottunarkerfi BREEAM og vistvottunarkerfi Svansins. Markmið verkefnisins var að framkvæma prófanir og leiðbeiningar á kerfunum og rannsaka hvernig þau aðlagast aðstæðum á íslenskum byggingarmarkaði. Skýrslurnar má lesa með því að smella á þær hér að neðan. BREEAM vistvottunarkerfi fyrir byggingar - kynningarbæklingur Orkukröfur BREEAM 2016 og reynslan af að uppfylla þær í íslenskum verkefnum BREEAM - sjónræn þægindi Yfirlit yfir orkunotkun, orkuverð og orkukröfur til upphitunar í íslenskum byggingum Vistferilsgreiningar - Umhverfisáhrif bygginga og byggingarefna frá vöggu til grafar Reynslan af umhverfisvottuninni Svanurinn fyrir byggingar - Hluti I Almenn yfirferð BREEAM In-Use BREEAM Byggingarefni og úrgangur - Kröfurnar og hvernig hefur gengið að uppfylla þær á Íslandi Samgöngu- og landnotkunarkröfur BREEAM international 2016 BREEAM gæða- og umhverfisstjórnun - Kröfurnar og hvernig hefur gengið að uppfylla þær á Íslandi BREEAM Byggingarefni - Kynningarbæklingur um kröfurnar Reynslan af umhverfisvottuninni Svanurinn fyrir byggingar - Hluti II Stigamatskerfið Viðauka má lesa hér Grænni fjölbýli Umhverfis- og auðlindaráðuneytið veitti Grænni byggð styrk til þess að vinna leiðbeiningar fyrir fjölbýlishús sem vilja stuðla að umhverfisvænni áherslum í sínum rekstri. Leiðbeiningarnar voru unnar í samstarfi við Sorpu og Eignaumsjón. Leiðbeiningarnar má lesa með þvi að smella á bæklinginn hér að neðan. Grænni fjölbýli Annað útgefið efni Vistvottunarkerfi fyrir byggingar - greining á hagkvæmni og aðlögunarhæfni erlendra vottunarkerfa fyrir íslenskan byggingarmarkað Híbýli og heilsa - heilsufarsleg áhrif bygginga og ávinningur vistvænna bygginga Efnisgæði - yfirlit yfir algeng byggingarefni, eiginleika þeirra og helstu umhverfisáhrif Umhverfisvæn bygging í íslensku samhengi Vistvænt skipulag þéttbýlis Umhverfislýsing byggingarefna

  • Nordic GBC | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Rafræn Málstofa GBC á Norðurlöndunum 30/09/2021 Nordic webinar: Circular economy in the built environment Introduction to circular economy by Lau Raffnsøe, Technical director at Green Building Council Denmark Slides Sweden: Recycle and reuse an entire building by Magnus Tengberg, Head of Real Estate, Gothenburg Region, Vasakronan Slides Norway: First circular building by Trond Simonsen, Manager Sustainability, Antra ASA Slides Finland: Circular approaches to planning in Hartaanselänranta, Oulu by Tuuli Kassi, Circular economy specialist / Architect Slides Iceland: Circular concrete by Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, sap architects & Dr Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir, Docent at the University of Iceland Slides Denmark: Construction waste reused as resources in new constructions in the initiative City Loop by Klaus Kellermann, Sustainability architect, Roskilde Municipality Slides Rafræn málstofa um markmið GBC á Norðurlöndum 27/05/21 1. Our sector as a solution to the Paris Agreement by/ Katharina Th. Bramslev CEO, Norwegian Green Building Council 2. Nordic collaboration for low carbon construction by/ Matti Kuittinen, Senior Specialist, Ministry of the Environment, Finland 3. Marked initiatives and common practice in our countries Snapshots by CEOs from the green building councils in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland 4. Low carbon dwellings in Iceland by/ Benedikt Ingi Tómasson, General Manager Vistbyggð 5. Concrete goes low carbon in Denmark by/ Jan Søndergaard Hansen, Managing Director, Unicon A/S 6. Lidl Visby and Noll CO2- why and how? by/ Mattias Tas, Sustainability Manager, Lidl

  • English | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Green Building Council Iceland Mission statement: ​ Inspire and empower people to work for the common goal of creating a healthy, sustainable environment that promotes well being for all. ​ ​ The Green Building Council Iceland is a member of the World Green Building Council and works to: promote environmental awareness and green action planning, while also lobbying authorities to pass legislation's that will direct the market into a more sustainable direction. The organizations does this by educating, connecting, and motivating stakeholders involved in the urban planning and building sector. Since it was first established in 2010 The Green Building Council Iceland has worked towards it mission to: Inspire and empower people to work for the common goal of creating a healthy, sustainable environment that promotes well being for all. The organization now has about 40 members working towards their goal of making the building sector an active player in creating a more sustainable future and a healthier society. ​ ​ What are our main objectives? ​ Promote environmental awareness and green action planning for the building and infrastructure sector Lobby authorities to have legislation's that direct the market into a more sustainable direction. To be visible, influential, financially sustainable and recognized. ​ ​ ​ World Green Building Council World Green Building Council (WGBC), a non-profit organization who is at the forefront in transforming the built environment towards a more sustainable and healthier society. GBCI and the rest of the World GBC members are closely working together to reduce emissions from the building and construction sector by 2050. ​ To know more about the World GBC and the activities, courses and events they offer to their members and other organizations, click here . ​ ​ EUROPE REGIONAL NETWORK ​ The Europe Regional Network (ERN) is a community of over 20 national Green Building Councils, 9 Regional Partners, and close to 5,000 members across Europe. Green Building Councils in the ERN, are from both EU and non-EU countries. The ERN’s mission is to ensure that sustainability is embedded across the whole sector value chain by leveraging the power and knowledge of our network to transform the European buildings market. ​ Click here to know more of the Regional activities. ​ ​ Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) in Iceland ​ The demand for transparency in today´s society is becoming more prevalent. EPDs help build transparency and increases confidence that the manufacturers' environmental statements are accurate. A video presentation on EPDs along with several PDFs of EPDs of products on the Icelandic market can be found here . ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​

  • CIRCON | Grænni byggð GBCI

    About Project partners Newsletter Contact us

  • Europe GBC | Grænni byggð GBCI

    The Europe Regional Network (ERN) is a community of over 20 national Green Building Councils, 9 Regional Partners, and more than 4,600 members across Europe. Green Building Councils in the ERN, are from both EU and non-EU countries. ​ Regional activities include networking leaders; assessment and certification; awareness-raising; skills and capacity building; financial and economic incentives; and policy and regulation. ​ Below the page you can find links to other European GBCs Insights and Innovations: Advancing Net Zero Image source: UK GBC Advancing Net Zero are three one-hour webinars are targeted at building practitioners aiming to deliver net zero buildings and decision-makers aiming to set carbon targets or a net zero strategy for their company. ​ The course covers the following topics: What is a Net Zero Carbon Building? What Are Scope 3 Emissions in the Built Environment? What Does Leading Action on Net Zero Look Like? Green mortgages - regional project Photo credit: Pierre Châtel-Innocenti Homebuyers across the EU could be offered better borrowing rates on mortgages in return for purchasing more energy efficient homes or committing to implement energy-saving work within properties. Project is pioneered by a unique partnership of banks, property valuers, energy efficiency businesses and utility providers. ​ WorldGBC's Europe Regional Network, in cooperation with the Energy Efficiency Mortgage Action Plan EeMAP initiative have published a report in that tackles how Europe should finance the building of an energy efficiency revolution needed to slash the 40% of Europe’s carbon emissions that come from its buildings – a staggering 97% of which are inefficient . Sustainability management in construction Photo credit: DGBC, VISMO for VLA/MIKKELSEN/STED/COWI Danish Green Building Council offers training for project managers in the construction industry. Learn how to: ​ Add value to the project Handle the opportunities and challenges included in the new role Deliver in accordance with the new service description Plan and Structure the work using different tools Communicate the Value of Sustainable Action and Engage Customer and Project Organization BUILD UPON - National Renovation Strategies Photo credit: C. Dustin Through the WorldGBC BUILD UPON project, 13 Green Building Councils in Europe played a leading role in helping national governments to create strong and robust ‘national renovation strategies’ that will help their countries unlock the energy-saving potential in their buildings. BUILD UPON publication contains recommendations in the form of actions for how their countries can deliver the level of ambition needed on existing buildings that will meet the Paris Agreement. They were developed by the 13 Green Building Councils involved in BUILD UPON, through the project’s major collaborative process involving nearly 2,000 key organisations at 100 events across Europe. BREEAM - International Brand Image source: BREEAM methodology is used by many regional GBCs as a basis for their sustainability label. The ‘Environmental Assessment Method’ of buildings was originally developed by the Building Research Establishment (BRE), a British research organization, hence the name BREEAM. BRE has had more than 100,000 buildings certified and operates in 15 different countries. ​ National Scheme Operators translate the International version of BREEAM and make it applicable to their country. For example, some criteria might be irrelevant in a certain country, because it’s already standard building practice or regulated. There are differences in the various international schemes, but they are still comparable and valued similarly. Green Building Councils in Europe

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