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  • Fræðsla og miðlun | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Fræðsluhlutverk Grænni Byggðar Eitt mikilvægasta hlutverk Grænni byggðar er að veita fræðslu og miðla upplýsingum sem stuðla að sjálfbærni og grænum áherslum í uppbyggingu. Frá Fundaröð Reykjavíkurborgar um loftslagsmál, mynd frá Reykjavíkurborg Frá Degi Grænni Byggðar 2019 Með fulltingi opinberra stofnana ásamt markaðsaðilum tekur Grænni byggð virkan þátt í að kynna og þróa leiðir í átt að sjálfbærum byggingum og skipulagi. Sjálfbært skipulag Sjálfbært skipulg Íslensk sveitarfélög horfa í síauknum mæli til sjálfbærnis við skipulagsgerð. Ítarlegri upplýsingar um áherslur Grænni Byggðar í má finna í bæklingnum Vistvænt skipulag þéttbýlis, sjá hér . ​ ​ ​ ​ Aðgengi að fjölbreyttum ferðamátum Mikilvægt er að íbúar hafi gott aðgengi að umhverfisvænum ferðamátum á borð við almenningssamgöngur. Til staðar þurfa að vera góðar og aðlaðandi göngu- og hjólaleiðir. Mynd frá Þjónusta innan hverfa Lykilatriði í sjálfbæru skipulagi er að íbúar geti sótt sér alla helstu þjónustu innan síns hverfis gangandi eða hjólandi. Verndun vistkerfis Hlúa þarf líffræðilegum fjölbreytileika og jafnvægi vistkerfisins innan hins byggða umhverfis. Fjölbreytt íbúasamsetning og framboð húsnæðis Fjölbreytni í samsetningu íbúa er mikilvægur þáttur í að tryggja sjálfbærni hverfa. Til að endurspegla slíkt þarf gott framboð af fjölbreyttu húsnæði. Sjálfbærar byggingar Sjálfbærar byggingar Hvað er umhverfisvæn bygging? Hér má finna niðurstöður verkefnis þar sem leitast var við að svara því hvað sé umhverfisvæn bygging í íslensku samhengi. Hér má finna skilgreiningu á vistvænni hönnun bygginga frá Framkvæmdasýslu Ríkisins. Rannsóknarstofa byggingariðnaðarins (RB) hefur gefið út mikið magn rannsóknarefni um íslenskan byggingariðnað. ​Hér er tengill inn á Rb blöð sem innihalda tæknilegar upplýsingar um ýmislegt sem viðkemur viðhaldi, hönnun og byggingu mannvirkja. ​ Grænni byggð hefur gefið út bæklinginn Efnisgæði, um umhverfisáhrif ólíkra byggingarefna. Bæklinginn má finna hér . Hof í öræfum, ASK arkitektar Grænni Byggð gaf út bæklingin ​Híbýli og Heilsa, um hvernig heilsa og vellíðan notenda bygginga tengjast, hann má finna hér. Grænni Byggð vann einnig skýrslu um vottunarkerfi fyrir byggingar sem finna má hér. ​ ​ Viðmið Svansins fyrir einbýlis- og fjölbýlishús má finna hér en u pplýsingar um viðmið fyrir BREEAM nýbyggingar má finna hér. ​ ​ Verkefni "EndurNýja - Sjálfbærar endurbætur á byggingum á Íslandi" má finna hér . Mynd: Veröld, Hús Vigdísar. Vigfús Birgisson, andrými arkitektar Umhverfisáhrif frá byggingarsvæði geta verið veruleg en þar má til dæmis nefna úrgang, útblástur frá vinnuvélum og flutningstækjum, hávaða og annað. Í Noregi hefur einnig komið fram að talsverð losun á gróðurhúsaáhrifum á sér stað frá vinnuvélum og flutningum á byggingarstað. Sjá hér leiðavísir (á norsku) fyrir losunarlaus byggingarsvæði. ​ Mynd: Leikskóli Kjalarnesi, ASK arkitektar Græn stefnumótun Græn stefnumótun Grænni byggð viðheldur góðu sambandi við löggjafarvaldið, ráðuneyti og sveitarfélög og veita reglulega umsagnir og ályktanir varðandi umhverfis-, skipulags- og byggingamál. ​ Umsögn Grænni byggðar varðandi uppfærða aðgerðaráætlun Reykjavíkurborgar í loftslagsmálum ​ Umsögn Grænni byyggðar við uppfærðri aðgerðaráætlun í loftslagsmálum ​ Innlegg Grænni byggðar varðandi aðgerðaráætlun í loftslagsmálum. ​ Innlegg Grænni byggðar til átakshóps í húsnæðismálum, janúar 2019 varðandi félagslega sjálfbærni og umhverfisáherslur. ​ Áherslur Grænni byggðar á fundi með Samgöngu og sveitastjórnarráðherra Sigurði Inga Jóhannssyni í nóvember 2018. ​ Áherslur Grænni byggðar varðandi hvata til að auka hlutfall vistvænna bygginga. ​ Íslensk þýðing - samantekt á skýrslu WGBC um Bringing Embodied Carbon Upfront ​ ​ Drög að markáætlun stjórnar mars 2021 ​ ​

  • About | Grænni byggð GBCI

    About the project The CIRCON project (full name: The circular economy in construction: eco-design of circular buildings) is realised by Green Building Council Iceland (GBCI) in cooperation with two Polish partners – a mirror to GBCI organisation Polish Green Building Council and the Silesian University of Technology. The project will last 2 years (01/04/2022-31/03/2024). Overview The urban population is growing globally, and so does the demand for housing and accommodation. This means the growing intensity of construction-related activities and, consequently, increasing construction and demolition waste (C&DW) generation. This calls for action as, currently, C&DW already comprises one of the largest waste streams in the EU and Iceland. Even though C&DW recovery rates are high, their recovery leaves room for improvement as it is predominantly low-grade (for instance, backfilling). To preserve the value of construction materials and thus keep them on the market as long as possible, the implementation of circular economy principles in the construction sector is necessary. This would result in reducing the amount of not only C&DW produced but also the raw materials used. Building materials are responsible for around half of the carbon footprint of an Icelandic building during its lifetime. Doing so requires developing solid and systematised knowledge of circular economy principles regarding construction processes. This is why, in the CIRCON project, we aim to create practical guidelines, emphasising circular building design as everything starts with the plan and design. These guidelines would include the specificity of Icelandic and Polish construction sectors, and they will be disseminated among the key stakeholders in the sectors. This will be done to familiarise the key actors with optimal building design regarding not only buildings' longevity and durability but also their sustainability and material circulation through possible reusing of building components after its deconstruction. Main objectives The project aims to strengthen the implementation of circular economy principles in the Icelandic and Polish construction sectors through: 1. Creation of practical guidelines on circular economy implementation in building design, including Icelandic and Polish market characteristics, needs, and specific Icelandic geographical and resource conditions. 2. Dissemination of the above guidelines among key stakeholders in the construction sector. The CIRCON project benefits from a € 361,422 grant from Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants and co-funding by the national funding of Poland. Co-funding from the Polish state amounts to € 54,213. More about the project Project partners Newsletter CIRCON vefsíðu Information on EEA and Norway Grants ​ The EEA and Norway Grants represent the contribution of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway towards a green, competitive and inclusive Europe. There are two overall objectives: reduction of economic and social disparities in Europe, and to strengthen bilateral relations between the donor countries and 15 EU countries in Central and Southern Europe and the Baltics. The three donor countries cooperate closely with the EU through the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA). The donors have provided €3.3 billion through consecutive grant schemes between 1994 and 2014. For the period 2014-2021, the EEA and Norway Grants amount to €2.8 billion. The priorities for this period are: #1 Innovation, Research, Education and Competitiveness #2 Social Inclusion, Youth Employment and Poverty Reduction #3 Environment, Energy, Climate Change and Low Carbon Economy #4 Culture, Civil Society, Good Governance and Fundamental Rights #5 Justice and Home Affairs Eligibility for the Grants mirror the criteria set for the EU Cohesion Fund aimed at member countries where the Gross National Income (GNI) per inhabitant is less than 90% of the EU average. The EEA and Norway Grants scheme consists of two financial mechanisms. The EEA Grants are jointly financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, whose contributions are based on their GDP. Norway Grants are financed solely by Norway. ​ More information can be found on: Information on co-funding by the national funding of Poland ​ The co-funding from the Polish state was granted to the project within the program: Environment, Energy and Climate Change , program area: Climate .

  • Environmental product declarations (EPD) | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Environmental product declarations (EPDs) An environmental product declaration (EPD) is a document providing confirmed information about the environmental impact of the product's life cycle based on the results of performed life cycle assessment (LCA). The EPD also contain the information required by the specific Product Category Rules (PCR) and General Programme Instructions . Eventually, EDP is verified by a third party who evaluates the analysis independently. As the methodology of its preparation is regulated, EPD help build transparency and increase confidence that environmental claims made by manufacturers are accurate. In many ways, such a statement is similar to the ingredient descriptions of food products, but instead of information on nutritional value, there is information on the product's environmental impact. The first Icelandic EPD was published for Steinull , based on the analysis done by EFLA , confirmed by SINTEF building research in Oslo and published by EPD-Norge . ​ More information on EPDs can be found on the International EPD System website or in the presented video. An open EPD database can be found on the InData network website . Product Category Rules (PCR) A Product Category Rule provides specific instructions for how life cycle assessment (LCA) should be performed for a particular product category. More precisely, it includes, among others, the so-called system boundaries (which processes and product's life cycle stages should be considered) and declared or functional units, which should be used for specific products. More information on PCR can be found on the International EPD System website , and the PCR library can be found here . Some of the EPDs for construction products and materials in Iceland Plasterboards Timber Paints Wall coverings Cement and masonry mixtures Concrete Insulating materials Building blocks Steinefni Pípur

  • EPDs - Timbur | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Environment (EPDs) - Timber materials in Iceland KLH KLH CLT timber pannels

  • NNCC | Grænni byggð GBCI

    About the project Nordic Networks for Circular Construction (NNCC) is a two-year project aiming at accelerating the implementation of circular economy principles in the Nordic construction sector. It is financed by the Nordic Council of Ministers . The project consists of six work packages of which GBCI and the Housing and Construction Authority of Iceland (HMS ) work towards realising Work package 6: National Fora . Other work packages deal with, among others, analysing the barriers and possibilities in implementing a circular economy in Nordics and metrics for circularity. Work package 6: National Fora One of the crucial parts of sustainable and circular construction development is sharing know-how and hands-on experiences along the entire chain of construction stakeholders. This is often realised by the so-called national fora (networks) consisting of the cross-section of the construction sector. Therefore, one of the goals of Work package 6: National fora is creating such a network in Iceland to facilitate spreading the knowledge on circular construction, especially focusing on the Icelandic and Nordic context, but not excluding European and global state-of-the-art solutions. ​ Additionally, workshops with various stakeholders would be organised to strengthen the implementation of a circular economy in Nordic construction. At these workshops, the findings on the barriers to adopting circular construction (Work Package 2: Analysis of Barriers and Possibilities ) will be presented, and possible solutions will be discussed to define further steps necessary to accelerate the implementation of circular construction. Main objectives > Creating the network on circular construction in Iceland to facilitate sharing of know-how and hands-on experiences among Icelandic and foreign construction sector stakeholders; > Defining further steps necessary to accelerate the adaptation of circular economy in Nordic countries.

  • EPDs - Málning | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Environmental product declarations (EPDs) - Paints in Iceland JOTUN Jotun Heftgrunning Universal JOTUN Jotun Lady Pure Color JOTUN Jotun Sparkel Fin Gipsplate JOTUN Jotun Jotaproff Akryl 10% JOTUN Jotun Pilot WF Primer JOTUN Jotun Sparkel Vegg & Tak medium JOTUN Jotun Jotaproff Primadekk JOTUN Jotun Prosjektsparkel JOTUN Jotun Trebitt Oljebeis

  • BREEAM_2022 | Grænni byggð GBCI

    BREEAM - An cost-benefit analysis of sustainable building certificates About the project Many stakeholders in the construction market do not fully understand the overall benefits of sustainable building certificates in Iceland and have requested data and information in this regard. The project aims to meet that need by mapping the success, benefits and costs of certification systems and increasing knowledge of the systems' advantages and disadvantages . It is hoped that in this way, it will be possible to further contribute to the increase in the number of certified construction projects. Overview The project is twofold: 1. A stakeholder analysis focusing on their experiences with sustainability building certificates – BREEAM and Nordic Swan 2. Analysis of greenhouse gas emissions through LCA – BREEAM certified and non-certified. ​ It is also planned to add LCC analyses, where the lifetime costs of certified buildings are compared to the lifetime costs of non-certified buildings, and that part will be done in collaboration with Verkís . The project received a grant from the Icelandic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate. Skoðið útgáfur verkefnisins hér

  • Vistferilsgreiningar | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Vistferilsgreiningar ​Vistferilsgreining (e. Life cycle assessment, LCA) er aðferðafræði sem notuð er til að meta staðbundin og hnattræn umhverfisáhrif vöru eða þjónustu yfir líftímann eða „frá vöggu til grafar“. Tilgangurinn er að meta heildarumhverfisáhrif sem verða á öllum stigum vistferilsins eða yfir alla virðiskeðjuna, þ.e. vegna öflunar hráefna, framleiðslu, notkunar og förgunar. Staðalinn EN15978 Sustainability of construction works – Assessment of environmental performance of buildings – Calculation method er notaður til þess að ramma inn útreikninga um umhverfisáhrif bygginga yfir líftímann. Hér má kaupa norskan staðal um hvernig á að reikna út kolefnisspor bygginga. ​ Eftirfarandi forrit er hægt að nýta við gerð vistferilsgreiningar fyrir byggingar: ​ One Click LCA - Einfaldir LCA útreikningar í hönnunarfasa bygginga ​ LCAbyg frá Danmörku: Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, Aalborg Universitet Kaupmannahöfn ​ OpenLCA frá GreenDelta í Berlín í Þýskalandi Skýrslur Grænni byggðar um Vistferilsgreiningar

  • Orkunotkun2022 | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Energy use – designed and measured About the project The main goal of the project is to collect information on the (purchased) energy demand of buildings (kWh/m² anually; due to heating and/or cooling on one hand and general electricity consumption on the other) and compare the purchased energy and the estimated energy demand according to calculations . Partners Project partners are: - EFLA ; - the University of Reykjavik ; - Björn Marteinsson. The project received a grant from Askur – Housing and Construction Research Fund. Skoðið skýrslu verkefnisins hér

  • Contact us | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Contact us If you have any questions and suggestions, let us know. Email First Name Last Name Email Message Thanks for submitting! Send

  • HringRás | Grænni byggð GBCI

    HringRás (Circularity) About the project The main goal of the project is to promote an interdisciplinary conversation about the implementation of circular design and thinking in the Icelandic construction industry . Project partners The project partners are: - the Association of Architects of Iceland ; - EFLA Consulting Engineers ; - the Government Property Agency (FSRE) ; - Green Building Council Iceland; - the University of Iceland ; - the Center for Design and Architecture ; - the City of Reykjavík ; - the Federation of Icelandic Industries (SI) ; - VSO Consulting . The project received a grant from Askur – Housing and Construction Research Fund. Skoðið skýrslu verkefnisins hér

  • Roadmap towards sustainable construction | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Byggjum grænni framtíð - Roadmap towards sustainable construction Following Iceland's climate action plan , the public road map towards sustainable construction was introduced as a result of a joint project between the government and construction sector stakeholders (Byggjum grænni framtíð - Let's build a greener future), including the Green Building Council Iceland. The road map includes goals and a set of actions to reduce the carbon emissions of construction activities. The actions are divided into six main categories: Building materials. Construction stage. Building use stage. End of life stage. Planning and design. Incentives and other means to encourage change. The project management board consists of representatives from the Green Building Council Iceland, the Industry Association , the Road Administration , the Environment Agency , the Union of Icelandic Municipalities , the Ministry of Social Affairs, and the Housing and Construction Authority (HMS). Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir from HMS is the project manager. More information can be found on the BGF website .

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