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  • Become a member | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Subscribe to our mailing list Become a member Membership categories for 2022: 1st Category - 665.000 ISK/year, 6 votes at the general meeting 2nd Category - 400.000 ISK/year, 4 votes at the general meeting 3rd Category - 133.000 ISK/year, 2 votes at the general meeting 4th Category - 25.000 ISK/year, 1 vote at the general meeting, support membership for individuals As a Green Building Council Iceland (GBCI) member, you are part of a group of ambitious professionals and enthusiasts for increased environmental focus in the construction industry and planning. 90% of GBCI members are somewhat or very satisfied with their membership 90% of the members believe that GBCI fulfil its role well 96% of the members would recommend GBCI membership Thank you for submitting! Senda By becoming a member you: - get discounts at events; - you become a role model; - your company takes an active responsibility in environmental matters; - you can increase your knowledge about environmental issues; - you get opportunities for networking; - you support professional work and discussions on environmental issues in construction and planning; - your company can be an active participant in Green Building Council Iceland's projects, professional groups and events; - your company can influence the work and strategy of Green Building Council Iceland. Our members Donations and grants Contact us if you are willing to support our organization with individual grants. The individual grants go to the Green Building Council Iceland's projects. ​ ​You can also make a direct donation to our account: Kennitala number: 460510-1550 Bank account number: 0537-26-460510 Reference: Donation

  • Projects | Grænni byggð GBCI

    On-going projects BREEAM - An cost-benefit analysis of sustainable building certificates 2022 About CIRCON (The circular economy in construction: eco-design of circular buildings) 2022-2024 About Partners Newsletter CIRCON website HringRás (Circularity) 2022-2023 About Energy use - designed and measured 2022 About Nordic Networks for Circular Construction (NNCC) 2023 About Nordic Sustainable Construction - Emission-free Construction Sites 2022-2024 About Nordic Sustainable Construction - Emission-free Construction Sites 2022-2024 About

  • LCA | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Life cycle assessment (LCA) Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used to evaluate a product or service's local and global environmental impact over its lifetime or "from cradle to grave". More precisely, the overall environmental impact is analysed, so the one occurring at all stages of the ecosystem or across the entire value chain, i.e. due to the acquisition of raw materials, production, use and disposal. The framework and methodology of performing LCA for buildings are presented in the EN 15978 standard (Sustainability of construction works - Assessment of environmental performance of buildings - Calculation method). According to the standard, the LCA results are presented for five main phases, and each phase is identified with a letter and serial number: The following software can, for example, be used to create an LCA for buildings: One Click LCA - Simple LCA calculations in the design phase of buildings Danish LCAbyg - From Denmark: Statens Byggeforskningsinstitut, Aalborg Universitet Copenhagen Green Delta’s OpenLCA – From GreenDelta in Berlin, Germany Life cycle costing (LCC) Often, Life-cycle costing (LCC) is performed together with LCA. LCC is used to analyseall the costs incurred during the asset's lifetime (e.g., product, service, building). The considered costs are, among others, purchase costs and costs associated with that (e.g., delivery or installation costs), operation costs (e.g., energy or fuel costs, maintenance costs), and end-of-life costs (e.g., disposal or recycling costs). LCC can also include the asset's residual value, so potential revenue from its reuse or sale.

  • Our team and board | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Our team Áróra Árnadóttir CEO arora [at] PhD in environmental science and adjunct professor at the University of Iceland Aðalsteinn Ólafsson Project manager - Emission-free construction sites adalsteinn [at] Electrical Engineer and MSc in environmental and natural resources Ástrós Steingrímsdóttir Project manager - Emission-free construction sites astros [at] Civil Engineer B.Sc. Katarzyna Jagodzińska Project manager - Circular construction kjag [at] PhD in energy and material recovery from waste Our board Íris Þórarinsdóttir Chairman of the board iris [at] Environmental manager at Reitir Anna Kristín Hjartardóttir Secretary and vice-chairman of GBCI alexandra.kjeld [at] Environmental engineer at EFLA Sunna Hrönn Sigmarsdóttir Treasurer sunna [at] Managing director at Reginn Elín Þórólfsdóttir rom [at] Construction engineer at Verkis Anna Sigríður Jóhannsdóttir annasj.ark [at] Registered architect Alexander Helgason olga.arnadottir [at] Specialist at Húsnæðis- og mannvirkjastofnun Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir sirry [at] Environmental affairs director at Hornsteinn

  • EPDs - Gipsplötur | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Environmental product declarations (EPDs) - Plasterboards in Iceland KNAUF KNAUF Danogips Clima Board KNAUF KNAUF Danogips Solid Wet Board GYPROC KNAUF KNAUF Danogips Secura Board KNAUF KNAUF Gipsplötur GKB KNAUF KNAUF Danogips Solid Board GYPROC GYPROC Bris GYPROC Protect F

  • Nordic GBC Network | Grænni byggð (GBCI)

    Nordic Green Building Councils Network To strengthen the transition of Nordic countries to more sustainable, together with Green Building Council (GBC) Denmark , GBC Finland , GBC Norway , and GBC Sweden , we established the Nordic Green Building Councils Network (Nordic GBC Network). We realise our goals by, among others: - organising Nordic Green Building Council Conferences in 2011, 2013, and 2015; - realising the Nordic Urban Development project (2014-2015) aiming at creating the framework for sustainable urban development; - realising the Nordic Guide to Sustainable Materials project (2014-2015) aiming at creating guidelines on sustainable, functional criteria for building materials , which included specificity of the Nordic construction market (e.g., materials, production methods, practices used, legislation, and market drivers). - organising educational and professional webinars: > Nordic GBC Webinar #6: Nordic Sustainable Infrastructure Webinar (13/09/2023); > Nordic GBC Webinar #5: Circular Economy in the Real Estate and Construction Sector (03/10/2022); > Nordic GBC Webinar #4 : Resilience and Climate Adaptation (19/01/2022); > Nordic GBC Webinar #3 : Renovation of buildings and the Circular Economy (30/09/2021); > Nordic GBC Webinar #2 : How can we half emissions from construction in two? (27/05/2021).

  • Emission-free construction sites | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Online Event and Report An online event was held to promote the publication of a new report on the status and prospects of emission-free construction. There, we also introduced the Nordic network of collaboration and displayed the video from the site visit to the Green Construction Site of the Future. Volvo CE and SiteHub talked about their way towards emission-free construction sites. Recording of the event: Read the report: Testing of a battery-electric excavator in Oslo Emission-free excavators have been tested in three different construction sites in Oslo in the last year. In a new report from SINTEF, the results are summarised. The electric excavators from Nasta ran for a total of 6817 hours and saved NOK 372 000 in energy, and emission reductions were in excess of 91 tons CO2. Read the report here. Emissions from a construction site in Oslo n a SINTEF report calculations and results are presented for CO2 emissions on a construction site in Oslo.

  • Viðburðir 2022 | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Past events - 2022 Morning meeting - emission-free construction sites 15/12/2022 In this morning meeting, emission-free construction sites were discussed. There was a presentation on work package 4 in the Nordic Sustainable Construction project, which relates to emission-free construction sites. The Ministry of Infrastructure is responsible for that part of the project and is working on it in collaboration with Green Building Council Iceland (GBCI) and the Housing and Infrastructure Authority. GBCI's staff discussed the system boundaries of the site and solutions, but the emphasis was on discussions and a dialogue between stakeholders. The conversation was rich in knowledge, and therefore the discussion part of the morning meeting has been included in the published recording. ​ Slides are available here . Morning meeting - The design process of the kindergarten in Urriðaholt 25/11/2022 At the meeting, Hulda Jónsdóttir , owner and architect at HJARK , presented the design process of the kindergarten in Urriðaholt. The presentation was in Icelandic. ​ The kindergarten will be located at Holtsvegur 20 and will accommodate up to 120 children. The kindergarten's design process focused on ecological solutions, and Hulda, among other things, reviews this process considering the requirements of Nordic Swan Certification. The building will be made of cross-laminated timber (CLT) on concrete foundations. Reception of construction waste 25/11/2022 The Icelandic Industry Association (Samtök iðnaðarins ) and the Contractors' Association (Mannvirki – félag verktaka ) hosted a meeting on the reception of construction waste. You can find the recording here . The meeting was held in Icelandic. The heating supply - is there always enough? 17/11/2022 Samorka held a morning meeting on the heating utilities and the state of the geothermal resource and reserves. It was also reviewed how the government can support the sustainable development of heating systems. ​ You can access the recording of the meeting here . Carbon footprint of construction - priorities and actions 16/11/2022 Landsvirkjun , Vegagerðin and Isavia , held an open meeting on the carbon footprint of construction and how to minimize it (including what actions are needed). ​ You can access a recording of the meeting on the Facebook page of the event . 03/11/2022 Morning meeting - Design and implementation of Brákarborg This morning meeting discussed the design and implementation of the structure that won the Green Shovel in 2022 - the Brákarborg kindergarten in Reykjavík at Kleppsvegi 150-152, owned by the City of Reykjavík. Gyða Mjöll Ingólfsdóttir and Sólveig Ingimarsdóttir gave the presentation on behalf of the City of Reykjavík, and they both work in the construction and maintenance office of the City of Reykjavík. Gyða Mjöll is project manager for environmental affairs and Sólveig is project manager for new buildings and also project manager for construction. The presentation was given in Icelandic. There are many things that are exemplary in the reconstruction of Brákarborg. The goal setting of the project was ambitious, both in terms of the community activities and results in environmental matters. During design, a life cycle analysis was used and a comparison was made of the environmental impact of building materials, and the choice of materials was then based on the results. The building is BREEAM certified for design and construction, so the follow-up will confirm the sustainability goals. The building houses important social services, but the site can also be used by those who live in its immediate vicinity. The concrete structure was used continuously, and thus the carbon footprint of the building was kept to a minimum. ​ Green Building Day 2022 30/09/2022 The annual Green Building Day was held in IÐNÓ this year on Friday, September 30, 2022. The event began with 12 interesting professional talks given by experts in sustainability in the construction sector. After the presentations, Ragnar Ómarsson, the Chairman of the GBCI board, gave the Green Shovel Award for the first time. Over 130 participants took part in the event. The event was held in Icelandic. ​ The Facebook event can be found here. ​ Agenda: Moderator : Kristjana Ósk Jónsdóttir ​→ Byggjum grænni framtíð: Staða á aðgerðum á ábyrgð HMS sem eru komnar af stað (Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir, Team leader of the Innovation team , Húsnæðis- og mannvirkjastofnun); → Umhverfisvænasti fermeterinn - Sóknarfærin í samfélagslega ábyrgum rekstri eignasafns FSRE (Guðrún Ingvarsdóttir, CEO , Framkvæmdasýslan-Ríkiseignir); → Þegar núllið verður ætlunarverkið – vegferðin í átt að vistvænni steypuframkvæmdum (Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir, Environmental affairs director, Hornsteinn); → Góðir hlutir gerast (of) hægt (Brynjólfur Bjarnason, Business manager and member of the sustainability committee, Íslandsbanki); → Nýr sjálfbærnisrammi í framkvæmdum (Jón Kolbeinn Guðjónsson, Head of the Faculty of Engineering, Isavia); → Sjálfbærnivegferðin hjá Regin. Hvernig náum við hámarks árangri sem fyrst (Helgi S. Gunnarsson, CEO, Reginn); → Viðbrögð við loftslagsbreytingum (Íris Þórarinsdóttir, Environmental manager, Reitir); → Ártúnshöfðinn - BREEAM vottað hverfi í Reykjavík (Ólöf Kristjánsdóttir from Mannvit – f.h. Reykjavíkurborgar ); → Lágmörkum lífsferilsáhrif virkjana (Jóhanna Hlín Auðunsdóttir, Director of Climate and Green Solutions, Landsvirkjun); → UAveiro green buildings – Dæmi um hringrásarhagkerfi í byggingariðnaði (Ragnar Ómarsson, Expert in the sustainability of structures, Verkís); → Hvernig skilar hönnun lægra vistspori í mannvirkagerð – dæmi frá EFLU (Þórhildur Fjóla Kristjánsdóttir, Energy and environmental engineer, EFLA); → Umhverfisvæn hús í Urriðaholti (Benedikt Ingi Tómasson, Executive director, Vistbyggð). Project meeting of the Nordic Sustainable Construction project in Oslo 07/09/2022 On September 7, the Nordic Sustainable Construction project meeting was held. Green Building Council Iceland is responsible for work package 4 (Emission-free Construction Sites), and the scope of the work package was presented at the meeting. ​ More about the project can be found here . Byggjum grænni framtíð. Roadmap to green infrastructure 2030: Emissions, targets and actions 08/06/2022 On June 8, an event was held organized by Byggjum grænni framtíð about the publication of the 2nd and 3rd parts of the 2030 Environmental Roadmap . Sigurður Ingi Jóhannsson, Minister of Infrastructure, and Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Minister of the Environment, Energy and Climate, addressed the guests. Áróra Árnadóttir, CEO of Green Building Council Iceland, and Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir, project manager of Byggjum grænni framtíð (Build a green future), gave a talk on the roadmap after the two ministers' speeches. The event was held in Icelandic. ​ More information about the road map can be found here . The program can be found here . ​ A recording of the event can be accessed here . Morning meetings 02-05/2022 The first meeting (16/02) was on green building certification systems. The presentations (in Icelandic ) can be found here: Svanurinn BREEAM ​ The second meeting (16/03) was about the circular economy and was held in collaboration with KLAK Icelandic Startups. The presentations (in Icelandic ) can be found here: Hringiða Hringrásarbyggingar SORPA ​ The third meeting (28/04) was combined with the Annual Green Building Council Iceland Meeting. Bridge engineer, Andri Gunnarsson, presented the example of using Icelandic timber in an outdoor bridge over the Þjórsá river. The presentation summary can be found in the meeting minutes (point 6; meeting minutes are in Icelandic ). ​ The fourth meeting (18/05) was on the concrete. The presentation (in Icelandic ) can be found here: Hornsteinn ​ Annual Green Building Council Iceland Meeting 28/04/2022 The Annual Green Building Council Iceland Meeting took place on 28th April at 15:00 in the Verkís lecture hall. In addition to the traditional general meeting activities, the following was on the agenda: → a new project manager introduced the CIRCON project; → the winning proposal from the idea competition for the Green Shovel prize was presented; → Andri Gunnarsson, bridge engineer at EFLA, presented the use of Icelandic timber in a bridge over Þjórsá river. ​ Minutes of the general meeting can be found here (in Icelandic ). Forum on improved energy efficiency in buildings 31/03/2022 OR / Veitur and Green Building Council Iceland held a seminar on the responsible use of natural resources and reducing energy waste. ​ Live video on Facebook can be found here . ​ The event was held in Icelandic. Nordic GBC Webinar #5: Circular Economy in the Real Estate and Construction Sector 10/03/2022 The event was organised within Nordic Green Building Council Network and was held in English. Agenda: ​→ On the importance of Circular Economy (Green Building Council Finland) ; ​→ Introducing the Nordic Network for Circular Construction (Matti Kuittinen, Ministry of the Environment of Finland) ; → State of the Art Analysis on Circularity in the Nordic Construction Sector (Sabine Barth, WSP) ; → How to work with Circularity – New Handbook by the City of Copenhagen (Jens Runge, Chief consultant & head of sustainability) ; → Practical Examples from the Field : - Regional Circularity (Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadótti) ; - Reusing concrete slabs in commercial construction (Henning Fjeldheim, Skanska Norway) . Nordic GBC Webinar #5 Nordic GBC Webinar #4: Resilience and Climate Adaptation 19/01/2022 Live video hér : This webinar was organised within the Nordic Green Building Councils initiative in cooperation with IĐAN Educational Center. Experts in the Nordic countries educated us about the dangers posed by climate change in the Nordic context and climate adaptation of the built environment. The event was held in English. ​ Agenda: ​→ Climate changes in the Nordic countries - The IPCC report and how climate change will act out in the Nordic hemisphere (Dr Guðfinna Aðalgeirsdóttir, Professor of Geophysics, University of Iceland)) ; ​→ Potential impact on the built environment and infrastructure - How the effects of climate change differ between regions (Miisa Tähkänen, Expert in a sustainable built environment, GBC Finland) ; → Scenario Analysis in Climate Related Risks & Opportunities - A scenario approach to baselines for assessment of actions towards resilience and climate adaption (Sigurður Freyr Jónatansson, Expert on financial stability, the Central Bank of Iceland) ; → Climate change adaption in a man-made environment : - Climate Adaption for urban rainwater & sewage systems (Dr Kim Haukeland Paus, Engineer, Asplan Viak) ; - Sankt Kjeld’s Square and Bryggervangen, a case study (Alexandra Vindfeld Hansen, Landscape architect and Head of SLA’s R&D division sLAB). ​ Nordi GBC Webinr #4

  • Events 2023 | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Upcoming events The Day of Green Building 25/09/2024 The Day of Green Building, GBCI's annual conference, will be held in IÐNÓ at Vonarstræti 3 on the 25th of next September. ​ We have a keynote speech from Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjørkskov . Kasper is a Danish architect who specializes in transforming complex environmental and social challenges into innovative, sustainable building solutions, promoting inclusive design and inspiring social change. He has been actively involved in numerous construction projects whose main goal is to minimize CO2 emissions, and at the same time demonstrate that low-carbon buildings can be built without costing more.​ The moderator will be Freyr Eyjólfsson , musician, entertainer, media person, and current project manager of education and promotions at SORPA. Freyr has long advocated for the transformation towards a circular economy, not least in the construction sector. ​ ​ Ticket price: 10 000 ISK Ticket price for members: 8 000 ISK​ ​ The agenda will be published soon! Past events - 2024 Launching event of the Icelandic network on circular construction - Hringvangur 15/05/2024 At this half-day conference, among other things, the status, challenges and future of Icelandic timber products for the construction industry were discussed, but in addition several projects were presented that received funding from the Askur - Construction Research Fund and examples of Icelandic structures made of timber were shown. ​ The conference was part of the Innovation Week and was held by Green Building Council Iceland, the Housing and Construction Authority, Land and Forestry, Trétækniráðgjöf slf., and Iceland's Farmers' Association. Agenda (In Icelandic) ​ Loftslagsávinningur timburvara Áróra Árnadóttir, framkvæmdastjóri Grænni byggðar og aðjúnkt hjá umhverfis- og byggingarverkfræðideild HÍ CE merking og staðlavinna Eiríkur Þorsteinsson, trétæknir hjá Trétækniráðgjöf Áskoranir, staða og framtíð íslenskra timburvara Ólafur Eggertsson, sérfræðingur hjá Land og skógi og dósent við LBHÍ Timbur sem efni í nærumhverfinu - Landsfjórðungahús Auður Hreiðarsdóttir, arkitekt hjá Esja Architecture Krosslímdar timbureiningar – áhættuþættir og meðhöndlun Gústaf Adolf Hermannsson, sérfræðingur hjá HMS​ Hlé ​ ​ Mannvirki úr íslensku timbri Hreinn Óskarsson, sviðsstjóri þjóðskóga og landa,og Trausti Jóhannsson, skógarvörður hjá Landi og skógi Tækifæri í timbri Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, arkitekt og eigandi Lendager á Íslandi Íslenskt timbur Hlynur Axelsson, arkitekt hjá HAX arkitektúr og stundakennari við Listaháskóla Íslands Gestastofa í Þjórsárdal Marcos Zotes, arkitekt og meðeigandi hjá Basalt arkitektum Val á íslensku timbri Halldór Eiríksson T.ark. Fundarstjóri var Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri hjá HMS Upptöku má finna hér . Annual General Meeting 23/04/2024 GBCI's annual general meeting was held on April 24 from 14:00 - 16:00 in the Verkís building at Ofanleiti 2. Before the usual meeting work began, Magnús Arason and Björgvin Brynjarsson from EFLA gave a presentation on Carbon calculations for infrastructure projects, and Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir from HMS discussed the implementation of life cycle analyzes in building regulations. ​ Five seats on the board were elected, four to two years and one to one year. With sustainability as a life's work 21/03/2024 On Thursday, March 21, the University of Iceland, the Architects' Association of Iceland, Green Building Council Iceland and HMS held a seminar on the sustainable solutions of architect Jón Kristinsson on the occasion of Jón's 60th work anniversary. The seminar took place in Veröld - Hús Vigdísar, and lasted from 15.00-17.00. Jón has lived in Deventer in the Netherlands for most of his life and studied architecture at Delft University of Technology, where he later held the position of professor in environmental technology and design. He is known for having designed the most eco-friendly building in the Netherlands and is widely known for his inventions in the field of sustainability. On the first of last January, Jón was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Icelandic Order of the Falcon for pioneering work in ecological building design on the international stage. Agenda: ​ Opening Sigríður Maack chairman of the Icelandic Association of Architects, and Sigurður Magnús Garðarsson, president of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences of the University of Iceland, welcome guests Integrated sustainable design by Jón Kristinsson Andy van den Dobbelsteen PhD, Professor at Delft University of Technology. Frequency of moisture damage and quality of indoor air - can the problem be reduced with heat exchange on ventilation? Björn Marteinsson architect and civil engineer and former teacher at UI. In the beginning, the end should be considered Arnhildur Pálmadóttir architect talks about sustainable building Panel discussion​ Jón Kristinsson, architect and guest of honor; Koos Slootweg, engineer; Þórhildur Fjóla Kristjánsdóttir, engineer; Björn Marteinsson, architect; Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, architect and Andy van den Dobbelsteen, engineer Moderator: Guðrún Ingvarsdóttir architect Workshop on environmental conditions in tenders and construction contracts 6/03/2024 Central Public Procurement, the Federation of Icelandic Industries, the Housing and Construction Authority and Green Building Council Iceland called for an open conversation about environmental conditions in tenders and construction contracts in Iceland. The meeting took place on Wednesday, March 6 at 14.00 to15.30 in Hús atvinnulífsins in Borgartún 35, in the meeting hall Hyl. Agenda Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir from the Housing and Construction Authority reviewed the criteria and objectives of action 6.4 in the Roadmap towards sustainable construction 2030. Sveinbjörn Ingi Grímsson from Central Public Procurement discussed about scope in public procurement to apply environmental conditions within the legal framework. Áróra Árnadóttir, CEO of Green Building Council Iceland, discusses the results of a response survey on the use of environmental conditions in tenders and work contracts for the purchase of services and goods in the civil engineering sector in Iceland. Ragnar Ómarsson project manager at Verkís hf. deals with the topic of environmental conditions in Nordic models and Icelandic ideas. A workshop with open discussions at work tables on priorities and priorities in harmonized environmental conditions for tenders and selection criteria for tenders. The moderator was Elísa Arnarsdóttir, business manager of the housing division at the Federation of Icelandic Industries Slides from the meeting can be accessed here . Let's talk about the circular economy 28/02/2024 The event Let's talk about the circular economy was held in Gróska on 28 February at 13.00 - 15.30. ​ After discussions with stakeholders, we know that there are numerous actions that can be taken to facilitate the introduction of the circular economy in the Icelandic construction industry. ​ But which actions should be prioritized? What should public bodies emphasize in order to promote the implementation? ​ We summarized the possible actions that were discussed, in these three categories: Improved architectural design Correct recording of the environmental impact of new buildings and renovations Reduce risk and improve the efficiency of circular projects ​ In the second part of the event, participants were asked to answer which activities, aimed at facilitating circular construction, the Nordic Council of Ministers should focus on. They were also invited to answer the question: what should the Nordic countries strive for at the European level? Webinar: Emission-free construction sites: Knowledge gaps and research needs 15/02/2024 In the middle of February, we held an online event where we presented a new version related to emission-free construction sites in the project Nordic Sustainable Construction, but the report points out where the focus should lie in knowledge acquisition and experimental projects. ​ You can now watch a recording of the event and view slides here .

  • EPDs - Einangrunarefni | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Environmental product declarations (EPDs) - Insulating materials in Iceland STEINULL Steinull þéttleiki 20-75 kg /m3 STEINULL Steinull þéttleiki 75-100 kg /m3 STEINULL Steinull þéttleiki 100-200 kg /m3 FRAUÐSTEYPA EHF Multipor þéttleiki 115 kg /m3

  • Útgefið efni - Annað | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Other published materials 2024 Grænni byggð, Innviðaráðuneytið og Húsnæði- og mannvirkjastofnun, og Háskóli Íslands vinna að verkefninu Losunarlausir verkstaðir. Verkefnið er styrkt af Norrænu ráðherranefndinni. Aðra skyrslu verkefnisins má lesa með þvi að smella á bæklinginn hér að neðan. The first report from the Nordic Sustainable Construction project on Emission-free Construction sites. It provides an overview of the emerging concept of emission-free construction sites - the background, definitions, technology and methods. 2023 Grænni byggð, Innviðaráðuneytið og Húsnæði- og mannvirkjastofnun, og Háskóli Íslands vinna að verkefninu Losunarlausir verkstaðir. Verkefnið er styrkt af Norrænu ráðherranefndinni. Fyrstu skýrslu verkefnisins má lesa með þvi að smella á bæklinginn hér að neðan. The first report from the Nordic Sustainable Construction project on Emission-free Construction sites. It provides an overview of the emerging concept of emission-free construction sites - the background, definitions, technology and methods. 2021 Parents and children's travel habits to kindergarten (in Icelandic) 2020 Let's build a greener future (Byggjum grænni framtíð) - Summary of the state of environmental issues in the construction industry in the Nordic countries (in Icelandic) 2019 The Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources (Umhverfis- og auðlindaráðuneytið )granted GBCI a grant to prepare guidelines for apartment buildings that want to promote more environmentally friendly priorities in their operations. The guidelines were drawn up in collaboration with Sorpa and Eignaumsjón . The guidelines can be read below (in Icelandic). A greener apartment building (in Icelandic) Overview of energy consumption, energy prices and energy requirements for heating in Icelandic buildings (in Icelandic) LCA - Environmental impact of buildings and building materials from cradle to grave (in Icelandic) Environmental description of building materials (in Icelandic) Environmentally friendly building in the Icelandic context (in Icelandic) 2013-2017 Material quality - an overview of common building materials, their properties and main environmental aspects (in Icelandic) Housing and health - the health effects of buildings and the benefits of green buildings (in Icelandic) Ecological urban planning (in Icelandic)

  • Svanurinn | Grænni byggð GBCI

    Svansvottun Svanurinn er sam-norrænt vottunarkerfi sem margir ættu að þekkja enda víða sjáanlegt á vörum af ýmsum toga. Svanurinn vottar bæði vörur og þjónustu og er vottunarkerfi Svansins fyrir byggingar í örum vexti á Norðurlöndunum og víðar. Á Íslandi er Umhverfisstofnun umsjónaraðili Svansins og sér starfsfólk þess um að aðstoða fyrirtæki í gegnum vottunarferlið og að gefa leyfi til notkunar merkisins. Tvö hús á Íslandi hafa nú verið svansvottuð. Svansvottun á Íslandi Fyrsta Svansvottaða húsið á Íslandi er Visthúsið í Garðabæ. Hér má fá nánari upplýsingar um það. Það voru þau hjónin Finnur Sveinsson umhverfisfræðingur og Þórdís Jóna Hrafnkelsdóttir hjartalæknir sem byggðu húsið. ​ Í fyrirlestri á vegum Grænni byggðar fór Finnur yfir reynsluna af notkun Svansins bæði í sínu eigin einbýlishúsi og einnig reynslunni við IKEA blokkina sem nýlega fékk Svansvottun. Visthúsið í Garðabæ. Mynd: Finnur Sveinsson IKEA lét reisa fjölbýlishús í Urriðaholti sem er umhverfisvottuð samkvæmt stöðlum Svansins. Guðrún Lilja Kristinsdóttir frá Umhverfisstofnun fjallaði í fyrirlestri almennt um Svaninn fyrir íslenskar byggingar en Umhverfisstofnun er að vinna að Svansvottun í endurbótum á sínu skrifstofuhúsnæði í eigu Reita. ​ Byko gaf nýverið út vörulista fyrir Svansvottað hús sem nefnist Vistvæn hús - vísir að vöruvali fyrir byggingu á vistvænu húsi. Vörurnar í handbókinni má nota við byggingu Svansvottaðra húsa. Hann má finna hér. ​ ​ Our Clients

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