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- Verkefni - NNCC | Grænni byggð GBCI
Nordic Circularity Accelerator (NCA) About the project The Nordic Circularity Accelerator (NCA) project aimed to increase cohesion and cooperation related to circular construction among Nordic stakeholders . It was a side-project of the Nordic Networks for Circular Construction (NNCC) project, funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers. The NCA project set its eyes on life beyond the NNCC project scope, and it produced recommendations for enhancing circularity in construction at national, Nordic, and European levels . See the recommendations here Main objectives The research was structured to build upon existing knowledge and dig deeper into identified specifics. The original research questions are as follows: > What measures should the public sector take to accelerate circularity in the markets? > What was of Nordic-level interest, and what should be considered at a local level? > How could the Nordics influence EU decision-making processes? > How could contributions from the Nordic Council of Ministers to the development of circular construction at Nordic and local levels be facilitated, and what aspects should be prioritised? After formulating the specific research questions and identifying knowledge gaps, the latter were discussed at workshops with almost 150 market representatives from five Nordic countries. Project partners Green Building Council Iceland and the Finnish Green Building Council realised the NCA project in cooperation with the Danish Technological Institute , the Norwegian Green Building Council , Sirkulær Ressurssentral , CCBuild and IVL Sustainable Building AB .
- EPDs - Sement og múrblöndur | Grænni byggð GBCI
Environmental product declaration (EPDs) - Cement and masonry mixtures in Iceland AALBORG Aalborg Rapid Cement SCHOMBURG Schomburg Aquafin 1K Schomburg Asocrete M30 Schomburg ASOCRETE- VK30 Schomburg ASOCRET-VK100 Schomburg Fúgusement Schomburg Soloflex Schomburg Soloflex - Fast Schomburg SOLOPLAN 30 Schomburg Unifix S3 AALBORG Aalborg White Cement BM VALLÁ Gólfflot 3-50 - 25 kg sack SCHOMBURG Schomburg Aquafin IC Schomburg ASOCRET-KS/HB Schomburg Lightflex BM VALLÁ Innimúr - 25kg sack BM VALLÁ Steypublanda - 25kg sack Sementsverksmiðjan Sementsverksmiðjan Anleggsement, Brevik Standardsement FA, Brevik Sementsverksmiðjan Industrisement, Brevik
- Become a member | Grænni byggð GBCI
Subscribe to our mailing list Become a member Membership categories for 2022: 1st Category - 665.000 ISK/year, 6 votes at the general meeting 2nd Category - 400.000 ISK/year, 4 votes at the general meeting 3rd Category - 133.000 ISK/year, 2 votes at the general meeting 4th Category - 25.000 ISK/year, 1 vote at the general meeting, support membership for individuals As a Green Building Council Iceland (GBCI) member, you are part of a group of ambitious professionals and enthusiasts for increased environmental focus in the construction industry and planning. 90% of GBCI members are somewhat or very satisfied with their membership 90% of the members believe that GBCI fulfil its role well 96% of the members would recommend GBCI membership Thank you for submitting! Senda By becoming a member you: - get discounts at events; - you become a role model; - your company takes an active responsibility in environmental matters; - you can increase your knowledge about environmental issues; - you get opportunities for networking; - you support professional work and discussions on environmental issues in construction and planning; - your company can be an active participant in Green Building Council Iceland's projects, professional groups and events; - your company can influence the work and strategy of Green Building Council Iceland. Our members Donations and grants Contact us if you are willing to support our organization with individual grants. The individual grants go to the Green Building Council Iceland's projects. You can also make a direct donation to our account: Kennitala number: 460510-1550 Bank account number: 0537-26-460510 Reference: Donation
- Byggingarurgangs2022 | Grænni byggð GBCI
Mapping and guidance on the utilization potential of different construction waste About the project The project is about the mapping of different streams of construction waste, and examine which materials are generally suitable for continued use , which can be recycled and which materials must be discarded due to their chemical content. Overview The main goals are to assist parties in the building sector to reuse the construction material waste that is generated and thus contribute to construction waste being handled according to circular economy principles, and the value of construction waste does not deteriorate. The project is realised together with VSO Consulting . The project received a grant from the Icelandic Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate. Skoðið útgáfu verkefnisins hér
- Circular economy | Grænni byggð GBCI
Circular economy 1) Eliminate waste and pollution Waste is the result of decisions made at the design stage. Therefore, it is essential to change our mindset when it comes to design and consider waste generation a design flaw. The construction sector plays a crucial role in implementing a circular economy as it is responsible for considerable resource use and waste generation. To prevent our planet's resources from running dry, we need to change our consumption habits and production methods radically. The circular economy can be explained using three main principles from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation : 2) Circulate products and materials (at their highest value) It is important that the products and materials we produce remain within our economy. Therefore, ways of their reuse, repair, or recycle must be widely available. 3) Regenerate nature The circular economy plays in favour of nature in multiple ways by moving from extraction to regeneration, for instance, by reducing the amount of raw materials needed to be mined, thereby returning more land to nature. Currently, a few of the most significant barriers to implementing circular economy principles in the construction sector are: - lack of legal frameworks regulating the reusing of materials, - lack of data on material flows and the quality of materials, - lack of knowledge of circular design. There are several initiatives to solve the above issues. The first example is the criteria for circular buildings created by FutureBuild , stating that a circular building must consist of at least 50% of reused and reusable components. The criteria also cover other aspects, like, for example, design-for-adaptability. More information can be found here (FutureBuilt kriterier for sirkulære bygg ; in Norwegian ). The second example is the EU's set of guidelines for legal and technical stakeholders and policy-makers in the construction sector on how to implement circular economy principles, which can be found here . Hringvangur Stofnaður var samstarfsvettvangur / tengslanet fyrir hringrásarhagkerfið í íslenskum byggingariðnaði í loks árs 2023. Vettvangurinn heitir Hringvangur , og Grænni byggð hýsir hann fyrst um sinn. Heimasíða er Additional information Does it cost more to renovate than to build new? Answers to this and other questions can be found in GBC Norway's publications Tenk deg om før du river (Think before tearing down; in Norwegian ). Guidelines and business tools for companies in the construction sector on how to implement circular solutions in their activities can be found in Nordic Circular Economy Playbook 2.0 .
- Events 2023 | Grænni byggð GBCI
Upcoming events Past events - 2024 Turfhouse event 08/10/2024 GBCI and Lendager Iceland held a morning meeting about turf houses at Norræna húsið on october 8th. The event included lectures about the history of turf houses, their carbon footprint, and what can be learned from the past about circularity in future building projects. Hjörleifur Stefánsson , a turf house expert, spoke about the final era of the Icelandic turf house in the first decades of the 20th century. Katarzyna Jagodzińska from GBCI explained a Life Cycle Assesment (LCA) done on a model turfhouse, which serves as a baseline for further conceptual investigation of how to adopt “past” techniques and materials in modern design and build circularly. Arnhildur Pálmadóttir from Lendager Iceland spoke about the future of building with circularity, and the opportunities to learn from the past. Recording of the meeting can be found here. Green Building Council Day 2024 25/09/2024 The Day of Green Building, GBCI's annual conference, was held in IÐNÓ on the 25th of September. Keynote speaker was Kasper Benjamin Reimer Bjørkskov . Kasper is a Danish architect who specializes in transforming complex environmental and social challenges into innovative, sustainable building solutions, promoting inclusive design and inspiring social change. He has been actively involved in numerous construction projects whose main goal is to minimize CO2 emissions, and at the same time demonstrate that low-carbon buildings can be built without costing more. Moderator was Freyr Eyjólfsson , musician, entertainer, media person, and current project manager of education and promotions at SORPA. Freyr has long advocated for the transformation towards a circular economy, not least in the construction sector. On the agenda was a diverse set of lectures on the design and construction of environmentally friendly buildings, as well as a panel discussion about needs and proposed solutions in the industry. The full agenda can be seen here below. At the end of the day the Green shovel was awarded to Urriðaból , a kindergarten in Garðabær. Launching event of the Icelandic network on circular construction - Hringvangur 15/05/2024 At this half-day conference, among other things, the status, challenges and future of Icelandic timber products for the construction industry were discussed, but in addition several projects were presented that received funding from the Askur - Construction Research Fund and examples of Icelandic structures made of timber were shown. The conference was part of the Innovation Week and was held by Green Building Council Iceland, the Housing and Construction Authority, Land and Forestry, Trétækniráðgjöf slf., and Iceland's Farmers' Association. Agenda (In Icelandic) Loftslagsávinningur timburvara Áróra Árnadóttir, framkvæmdastjóri Grænni byggðar og aðjúnkt hjá umhverfis- og byggingarverkfræðideild HÍ CE merking og staðlavinna Eiríkur Þorsteinsson, trétæknir hjá Trétækniráðgjöf Áskoranir, staða og framtíð íslenskra timburvara Ólafur Eggertsson, sérfræðingur hjá Land og skógi og dósent við LBHÍ Timbur sem efni í nærumhverfinu - Landsfjórðungahús Auður Hreiðarsdóttir, arkitekt hjá Esja Architecture Krosslímdar timbureiningar – áhættuþættir og meðhöndlun Gústaf Adolf Hermannsson, sérfræðingur hjá HMS Hlé Mannvirki úr íslensku timbri Hreinn Óskarsson, sviðsstjóri þjóðskóga og landa,og Trausti Jóhannsson, skógarvörður hjá Landi og skógi Tækifæri í timbri Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, arkitekt og eigandi Lendager á Íslandi Íslenskt timbur Hlynur Axelsson, arkitekt hjá HAX arkitektúr og stundakennari við Listaháskóla Íslands Gestastofa í Þjórsárdal Marcos Zotes, arkitekt og meðeigandi hjá Basalt arkitektum Val á íslensku timbri Halldór Eiríksson T.ark. Fundarstjóri var Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir, framkvæmdastjóri hjá HMS Upptöku má finna hér . Annual General Meeting 23/04/2024 GBCI's annual general meeting was held on April 24 from 14:00 - 16:00 in the Verkís building at Ofanleiti 2. Before the usual meeting work began, Magnús Arason and Björgvin Brynjarsson from EFLA gave a presentation on Carbon calculations for infrastructure projects, and Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir from HMS discussed the implementation of life cycle analyzes in building regulations. Five seats on the board were elected, four to two years and one to one year. With sustainability as a life's work 21/03/2024 On Thursday, March 21, the University of Iceland, the Architects' Association of Iceland, Green Building Council Iceland and HMS held a seminar on the sustainable solutions of architect Jón Kristinsson on the occasion of Jón's 60th work anniversary. The seminar took place in Veröld - Hús Vigdísar, and lasted from 15.00-17.00. Jón has lived in Deventer in the Netherlands for most of his life and studied architecture at Delft University of Technology, where he later held the position of professor in environmental technology and design. He is known for having designed the most eco-friendly building in the Netherlands and is widely known for his inventions in the field of sustainability. On the first of last January, Jón was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Icelandic Order of the Falcon for pioneering work in ecological building design on the international stage. Agenda: Opening Sigríður Maack chairman of the Icelandic Association of Architects, and Sigurður Magnús Garðarsson, president of the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences of the University of Iceland, welcome guests Integrated sustainable design by Jón Kristinsson Andy van den Dobbelsteen PhD, Professor at Delft University of Technology. Frequency of moisture damage and quality of indoor air - can the problem be reduced with heat exchange on ventilation? Björn Marteinsson architect and civil engineer and former teacher at UI. In the beginning, the end should be considered Arnhildur Pálmadóttir architect talks about sustainable building Panel discussion Jón Kristinsson, architect and guest of honor; Koos Slootweg, engineer; Þórhildur Fjóla Kristjánsdóttir, engineer; Björn Marteinsson, architect; Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, architect and Andy van den Dobbelsteen, engineer Moderator: Guðrún Ingvarsdóttir architect Workshop on environmental conditions in tenders and construction contracts 6/03/2024 Central Public Procurement, the Federation of Icelandic Industries, the Housing and Construction Authority and Green Building Council Iceland called for an open conversation about environmental conditions in tenders and construction contracts in Iceland. The meeting took place on Wednesday, March 6 at 14.00 to15.30 in Hús atvinnulífsins in Borgartún 35, in the meeting hall Hyl. Agenda Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir from the Housing and Construction Authority reviewed the criteria and objectives of action 6.4 in the Roadmap towards sustainable construction 2030. Sveinbjörn Ingi Grímsson from Central Public Procurement discussed about scope in public procurement to apply environmental conditions within the legal framework. Áróra Árnadóttir, CEO of Green Building Council Iceland, discusses the results of a response survey on the use of environmental conditions in tenders and work contracts for the purchase of services and goods in the civil engineering sector in Iceland. Ragnar Ómarsson project manager at Verkís hf. deals with the topic of environmental conditions in Nordic models and Icelandic ideas. A workshop with open discussions at work tables on priorities and priorities in harmonized environmental conditions for tenders and selection criteria for tenders. The moderator was Elísa Arnarsdóttir, business manager of the housing division at the Federation of Icelandic Industries Slides from the meeting can be accessed here . Let's talk about the circular economy 28/02/2024 The event Let's talk about the circular economy was held in Gróska on 28 February at 13.00 - 15.30. After discussions with stakeholders, we know that there are numerous actions that can be taken to facilitate the introduction of the circular economy in the Icelandic construction industry. But which actions should be prioritized? What should public bodies emphasize in order to promote the implementation? We summarized the possible actions that were discussed, in these three categories: Improved architectural design Correct recording of the environmental impact of new buildings and renovations Reduce risk and improve the efficiency of circular projects In the second part of the event, participants were asked to answer which activities, aimed at facilitating circular construction, the Nordic Council of Ministers should focus on. They were also invited to answer the question: what should the Nordic countries strive for at the European level? Webinar: Emission-free construction sites: Knowledge gaps and research needs 15/02/2024 In the middle of February, we held an online event where we presented a new version related to emission-free construction sites in the project Nordic Sustainable Construction, but the report points out where the focus should lie in knowledge acquisition and experimental projects. You can now watch a recording of the event and view slides here .
- Our members | Grænni byggð GBCI
Green Building Council Iceland members The following companies, organizations, institutions, and individuals are members of Green Building Council Iceland: 1. Flokkur BM Vallá Eik fasteignafélag Húsnæðis- og mannvirkjastofnun Heimar fasteignafélag Reitir fasteignafélag Verkís verkfræðistofa Framkvæmdasýslan Ríkiseignir 2nd Category Fasteignir ríkissjóðs Landsvirkjun Tark-Teiknistofan 3. Flokkur Alta ráðgjöf Alverk Arkís ehf ASK arkitektar Basalt Arkitektar Byko Eignaumsjón exa nordic HJARK Hornsteinar Húsasmiðjan Iðan fræðslusetur Íslandsbanki Íslenskir aðalverktakar Jáverk Klasi ehf. Landmótun sf Landslag ehf. Langeldur Límtré Vírnet Lota ehf Maison Mannvit verkfræðistofa Pago Samstæða Orkuveitu Reykjavíkur Skipulagsstofnun Steinull hf. Steypustöðin Teiknistofan Tark ehf. Teiknistofan Tröð ehf. THG arkitektar Umhverfisstofnun Urriðaholt ehf. VA Arkitektar Vegagerðin Vista verkfræðistofa VSB verkfræðistofa VSÓ Ráðgjöf 4th Category - Arnhildur Pálmadóttir - an architect at Studio Arnhildur Pálmadóttir; - Finnur Sveinsson - environmental scientist at Visthús; - Hildur Ýr Ottósdóttir - an architect at Ydda arkitektar; - Magnús Jensen - an architect and chairman Miðgarðs byggingarfélags; - Sigríður Maack - an architect at Arktika ehf.
- Events | Grænni byggð GBCI
Past events - 2021 Nordic GBC Webinar #3: Renovation of buildings and the Circular Economy 30/09/2021 The webinar was organised by Green Building Council Denmark within the Nordic Green Building Councils Network initiative. Arnhildur Pálmadóttir (architect at sap architects) and Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir (the board member of Green Building Council Iceland and Docent at the University of Iceland) represented Green Building Council Iceland. Among other things, they presented a new BM Vallá's project on circular concrete. Slides from the event (in English) are available here: → Introduction to circular economy (Lau Raffnsøe, Technical director, Green Building Council Denmark) ; → Sweden: Recycle and reuse an entire building (Magnus Tengberg, Head of real estate, Gothenburg Region, Vasakronan) ; → Norway: First circular building (Trond Simonsen, Manager sustainability, Entra ASA) ; → Finland: Circular approaches to planning in Hartaanselänranta, Oulu (Tuuli Kassi, Circular economy specialist/Architect, Ethica Finland) ; → Iceland: Circular concrete (Arnhildur Pálmadóttir, Architect, sap architects & Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir, Docent, the University of Iceland) ; → Denmark: Construction waste reused as resources in new constructions in the initiative City Loop (Klaus Kellermann, Sustainability architect, Roskilde Municipality). Nordc GBC Webinar #3 Nordic Climate Forum for Construction 2021 27/09/2021 The conference Nordic Climate Forum for Construction 2021 was held on September 27, 2021, at 8-13. The event took place in English. Further information can be found here . Agenda: → Moderator's welcome (Sigríður Ósk Bjarnadóttir, Board member of Green Bulding Council Iceland); → Opening words (Ásmundur Einar Daðason, Minister of Social Affairs in Iceland); → On time and water (Andri Snær Magnason, Writer); → Oslo: How to reduce GHG emissions by 95% by 2030? (Heidi Sørensen, Director of Oslo’s Climate Agency); → European Commission: Construction products regulation and Environmental product declarations (Tapani Mikkeli, Head of Sector, Sustainable Construction, European Commission, DG GROW); → Status and current issues from academia (Jukka Heinonen, Professor, University of Iceland and Aalto University in Finland); → Status and current issues from authority (Kristina Einarsson, Boverket, Sweden & Luzie Rück, Bolig- og Planstyrelsen, Denmark); → Status and current issues from industry (Björt Ólafsdóttir, Real Estate Developer, Iða and former Minister of the Environment in Iceland) ; → Implementation of limit values in the Netherlands (Jos Verlinden, Senior Advisor, Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations in the Netherlands) ; → Limit values in the Nordic countries (Matti Kuittinen, Senior advisor, Ministry of the Environment in Finland) ; → Roundtable discussion: Limit values and Nordic harmonisation 20-24/09/2021 World Green Building Week 2021 In September every year, the so-called "Green building week" is organized by the World Green Building Council. This year, the main topic is "Building resilience", which deals with how to build resilience in the built environment. More information about the event can be found here . Green Building Day 2021 02/09/2021 The annual Green Building Day was held in IÐNÓ this year on Thursday, 2nd September. The talks were given by leading professionals in design, planning and civil engineering, where sustainability in the built environment will be the guiding principle. The event was held in Icelandic but two presentations was given in English. Unfortunately, the recording of the meeting was lost and streaming is not available this year. Facebook event can be found here . Agenda: Moderator : Elín Hirst Opening speech : Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland → Catastrophic warming as an icentive for change (in English) (Jukka Heinonen, Professor, Department of Environmental and Civil Engineering, the University of Iceland); Jukka Heinonen's presentation: → Græn framtíðí í Hafnarfirði (Rósa Guðbjartsdóttir, Mayor of Hafnarfjörður); → Tækifæri og áskoranir við það að fjármagna grænni byggð (Kristrún Tinna Gunnarsdóttir, Head of Strategy & Sustainability, Íslandsbanki); → Grænþvotturinn leysir ekki loftslagsmálin (Þorsteinn Víglundsson, CEO, Hornstein ehf); → Kynning á fagviðurkenningunni Græna skóflan (Ragnar Ómarsson, Chairman of the Green Building Council Iceland board); → The change that has taken place in the Norwegian construction industry in terms of sustainability, and the drivers behind this change (á ensku) (Marit Kindem Thyholt, Chief adviser on climate and environment, Skanska); Marit Kindem Thyholt's presentation: → Grænir hvatar í tengslum við uppbyggingu og rekstur fasteigna með fókus á atvinnuhúsnæði (Friðjón Sigurðarsson, Executive director, Reitir); → I nnri og ytri hvatar í umhverfismálum (Hrólfur Karl Cela, Architect, Basalt); → Byggjum grænni framtíð, samstarfsverkefni stjórnvalda og hagaðila byggingariðnaðarins um vistvænni mannvirkjagerð (Þóra Margrét Þorgeirsdóttir, Specialist, Húsnæðis- og mannvirkjastofnun). 03/06/2021 Morning meeting - Energy transition at the construction site On June 3, Grænni organized an exciting seminar in collaboration with Landsvirkjun, Húsnæðis- og mannvirkjastofnun, and Green Energy. The topic of the seminar was energy transition at the construction site. The live video can be found here (in Icelandic ). Nordic GBC Webinar #2: How can we half emissions from construction in two? 27/05/2021 The webinar was organized by the Norwegian Green Building Council with the Nordic GBC Network initiative. Recordings of the presentations are available here: → Our sector as a solution to the Paris Agreement ( Katharina Th. Bramslev, CEO, Norwegian Green Building Council ) → Marked initiatives and common practice in our countries ( CEOs from the GBCs in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Iceland ) → Concrete goes low carbon in Denmark ( Jan Søndergaard Hansen, Managing director, Unicon A/S ) → Nordic collaboration for low carbon construction ( Matti Kuittinen, Senior advisor, Ministry of the Environment in Finland ) → Low carbon dwellings in Iceland ( Benedikt Ingi Tómasson, General manager, Vistbyggð ) → Lidl Visby and Noll CO2- why and how? ( Mattias Tas, Sustainability manager, Lidl ) Annual Green Building Council Iceland Meeting 21/04/2021 The meeting agenda depends on the general meeting duties according to the GBCI's bylaws and was as follows: 1. The board's report on the GBCI's work in the past year. 2. The board's work plan for the next working year. 3. The board's budget for the following operating year. 4. Invoice submission. 5. Proposals and changes to the GBCI's bylaws. 6. Election of the board of directors. 7. Inspectors' remuneration (cf. Article 9) 8. Other matters. Minutes of the general meeting can be found here (in Icelandic) . Nordc GBC Webinar #2 Strategy meeting with GBCI' partners 17/03/2021 Lectures on sustainability in the construction industry 10/2020-02/2021 IĐAN educational centre and Green Building Council Iceland organised a series of lectures on the sustainability of the construction industry: 1. BYKO's sustainability and environmental strategy. 2. Purchase of building materials and Iceland's first Swan-certified residential building. 3. Swan-certified Kársnes School and Húsasmiðinn's environmental policy. 4. Socially certified Selfoss and vision of sustainability. 5. Innivist and the "unsustainable generation". 6. Garbage as a resource and reuse of structures. See all the lectures that have been given and recordings from them (in Icelandic ) on the IDUNNAR website here.
- Certifications | Grænni byggð GBCI
Certifications There are many different types of environmental certificates for buildings, but in general, it can be said that the goals of using them are to: - Increase the quality of buildings. - Reduce negative environmental impact. - Build healthy and safe buildings. - Reduce operating costs. In Iceland, two certification systems have been extensively used to certify buildings and areas: BREEAM and the Nordic Swan. BREEAM BREEAM is one of the most well-known environmental certification systems for buildings today, which encourages sustainable building design and ecological management during construction and operation. The BREEAM certification system uses a recognized requirements framework to assess the performance of a building's design, construction time and operating time, taking into account numerous factors, from ecology to energy consumption. These factors are included in the form of nine environmental sections having varying degrees of weight, as can be seen below: More about the BREEAM certification can be found here . BREEAM-certified buildings and construction in Iceland can be found here . The annexe for the BREEAM certification of Sundhöll Reykjavíkur (swimming pool in Reykjavik) in Icelandic can be found here . THE NORDIC SWAN ECOLABEL The Nordic Swan is a co-Nordic certification system that can be seen widely on products of various kinds. The Swan's certification system is rapidly growing buildings in the Nordic countries and elsewhere. In Iceland, the Environmental Agency is the coordinator of the Swan, and its staff is responsible for assisting companies through the certification process and granting permission to use the logo. More information on the Swan certification and the list of Swan-certified buildings can be found here . Other certification types LEED Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a green building rating system commonly used in the U.S. and Canada. It was created in the early 90s by the United States Green Building Council. More information on LEED can be found here . Level(s) Level(s) is a framework developed by the European Commission to assess and report on the sustainability performance of buildings. More information on Level(s) can be found here or in the video below.
- Útgefið efni - Byggingarúrgang | Grænni byggð GBCI
Construction and demolition waste 2022 GBCI received a grant from the Ministry of the Environment, Energy and Climate through the Housing and Infrastructure Agency to work on the mapping and preparation of guidelines on the possibilities of using construction waste. The project is part of action 4.2. in the Icelandic roadmap to ecological construction (Byggjum grænni framtíð) . GBCI got VSÓ Ráðgjöf on board to do the analysis. The results of the research project can be seen below (in Icelandic). Planning and guidance on the utilization potential of construction waste 2019 In cooperation with the celandic Civil Engineering Agency (Mannvirkjastofnun ), Green Building Council Iceland (GBCI) launched the project on the preparation of guidelines for the handling of construction and demolition waste. GBCI and Mannvirkjastofnun were responsible for project management, and the project was realised in cooperation with EFLA , VSÓ Consulting , and Verkís . The project results can be seen below. The circular economy and the construction industry (in Icelandic) The guidelines for the management of construction and demolition waste (in Icelandic) Construction and demolition waste mapping (in Icelandic) The assessment of hazardous substances in construction and demolition waste and a plan for their treatment (in Icelandic)