Nordic Circularity Accelerator (NCA)
About the project
The Nordic Circularity Accelerator (NCA) project aimed to increase cohesion and cooperation related to circular construction among Nordic stakeholders. It was a side-project of the Nordic Networks for Circular Construction (NNCC) project, funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
The NCA project set its eyes on life beyond the NNCC project scope, and it produced recommendations for enhancing circularity in construction at national, Nordic, and European levels.

Main objectives
The research was structured to build upon existing knowledge and dig deeper into identified specifics. The original research questions are as follows:
> What measures should the public sector take to accelerate circularity in the markets?
> What was of Nordic-level interest, and what should be considered at a local level?
> How could the Nordics influence EU decision-making processes?
> How could contributions from the Nordic Council of Ministers to the development of circular construction at Nordic and local levels be facilitated, and what aspects should be prioritised?
After formulating the specific research questions and identifying knowledge gaps, the latter were discussed at workshops with almost 150 market representatives from five Nordic countries.
Project partners
Green Building Council Iceland and the Finnish Green Building Council realised the NCA project in cooperation with the Danish Technological Institute, the Norwegian Green Building Council, Sirkulær Ressurssentral, CCBuild and IVL Sustainable Building AB.